Carnaval de Veracruz 2020 - The Largest Carnival in Mexico

The Veracruz Carnival is Mexico's largest and most well known carnaval, which lasts for several days and attracts lots of participants, most of them from within the country.
As a tourist, participating in a local event like the Carnaval de Veracruz, is a great way to experience local culture and traditions; plus, it's a fiesta, so it's going to loud and fun.
Veracruz Carnival 2020 Dates: 19 February - 25 February 2020
Veracruz Carnival takes place in the metropolitan area of Veracruz, Boca del Rio. It is considered "El más Alegre del Mundo" - in translation, "The World's Most Cheerful" carnival.
The main events during the Carnaval de Cruz are:
- Preludio de carnaval
- Quema del Malhumor - the Malhumor usually signifies the worries and the problems that unite the locals in the city. This is the moment when the Carnival celebrations begin. La Quema del Malhumor means the burning of the bad mood, which is represented by the image of some character or event.
- Coronation of the Children
- Coronation of Reyes de la Alegria - takes place in Macroplaza del Malecón.
- The Carnival Parades - during the days of the Carnival of Veracruz parades full of color fill the streets of the city with music and dancing. Traditional parades, floats, bastoneras, batucadas and dance groups take part in these parades.
- Entierro de Juan Carnaval (The Burial of Juan Carnaval) - this day marks the end of the carnival in Veracruz. During this evening a parody is being put in place by a local theater group, in which the royal court mourns the death of Juan Carnaval, a testament is read and this marks the end of this great carnaval de Veracruz.
Dates & Schedule of events for the Carnival in Veracruz, Mexico 2020
The schedule for the events and the parades have not been announced yet. This page will be updated as soon as more info is available.
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